About Us
Derry Well Women was founded in 1988 and is a women’s health organisation run by women for women.
Derry Well Women is a women’s health organisation run by women for women. We are at the forefront of women’s health in Northern Ireland. Derry Well Women is a space for all women young and old.
Derry Well Women is committed to providing a welcoming, relaxed, safe and confidential space for you to meet your health and well-being needs. Our services offer ways for you to have individual support through counselling, listening ear, one-to-one clinics. We also offer support groups for women who are experiencing health issues with Cancer and Endometriosis these provide excellent support and understanding. They also provide you with the chance to meet other women with similar health and lifestyle issues.
All of our courses and programmes are designed in line with what you told us you want, they include self-esteem building classes, developing skills to cope with depression, anxiety and stress and practical supports for women in later life.
Derry Well Women is committed to working with mothers and children and offer a range of programmes suited to supporting the mother/baby relationship; these include baby reflexology, baby massage, breastfeeding support, stay & play, mother and baby swim.
Derry Well Women is committed to supporting women who have been directly affected by the Troubles through our Harmony Programme.
We have both knowledge and recognition of the impact of the Troubles on women’s lives. Overall an estimated 53% of people who experienced a conflict related event had a mental health disorder at some point in their life with women more likely to experience post traumatic stress disorder than men and their symptoms can be more complex and enduring. There is now recognition that women react differently to men in relation to trauma.
Over the years Derry Well Women has led the development of programmes for women living with life threatening illnesses.
Our support to women living with a cancer diagnosis includes cancer counselling, a fortnightly cancer support group, a one-day complementary therapy programme. we also offer The Well Programme which is a 10 week 36 hour mental health and wellbeing programme, stress management programme and programmes for carers of people with a cancer diagnosis.
Derry Well Women is committed to delivering the best service possible and to ensure this, we listen to what you tell us, and deliver a service that meets the needs of you and your family.
A Crèche is available daily from 10.00a.m.—3.30p.m for users of the centre – contact Yvonne on: 02871360777 for more information.
You may not always need us but we are here when you do.