Derry Well Women

Complaints Policy and Procedures

Policy Statement

Derry Well Women endeavours at all times to deliver a professional, caring and courteous service to our users.

However, we recognise that there may be occasions when you may not be happy with the service you have received from us.  In such circumstances we believe you have the right to complain.  Your views are very important and such complaints give us valuable information about the way we provide our service and how we can improve it.

Principles of Procedure

If you make a complaint you can expect:-

1.         To be treated fairly and with respect

2.         The complaint to be taken seriously and handled according to the correct procedures

3.         The information to be stored securely and only shared with those who need to be involved in the complaint

4.         That there will be a resolution within a specific time frame

5.         That we will learn from the complaint to improve our service and use it to provide a mechanism for positive change.


When someone wishes to make a complaint they may do so by contacting, either verbally or in writing, the Manager of Derry Well Women within 20 days from the date of the issue in question.

(In the event that the complaint relates to the Manager of the Centre, you will be directed to her line manager who will deal with the matter).

The Manager of Derry Well Women will consider your complaint and speak to any relevant members of staff.  She may also need to speak to you regarding matters which may require clarification.

The Manager will respond to you in writing explaining what she has found on investigating the complaint and what action she intends to take.

You will receive this reply within 10 working days of her receiving your complaint.

You will be asked to confirm in writing within 14 days from the date of this response whether you are satisfied that the matter has been successfully resolved or if you wish to proceed to Stage Two of the procedure.  If you wish to proceed to Stage Two you should write to the Chairperson of the Derry Well Women Management Committee explaining why you are not satisfied.  If we do not hear from you within this period we will assume that you do not wish to proceed to Stage Two.


As already stated above, if you are not satisfied with the way in which your complaint has been handled then you can write to the Chairperson of the Derry Well Women Management Committee explaining why you are not satisfied.

This should be done within 14 working days of receiving the reply to your original complaint.

The Chairperson will convene Derry Well Women Management Committee Complaints Panel consisting of three Management Committee members.  The panel will convene a hearing, on a mutually agreed date, where you will have an opportunity to discuss your complaint.  This hearing will take place within 28 working days from the date of your letter to the Chairperson.

The Complaints Appeal Panel can recommend to the Derry Well Women Management Committee whether to:

1.         Dismiss the complaint in whole or in part

2.         Uphold the complaint in whole or in part

3.         Recommend the appropriate action to be taken to resolve the complaint.

The Management Committee will consider these recommendations and arrive at a decision.  This decision will be communicated in writing to you within 28 working days from the date of the hearing.

This decision is final and is the last Derry Well Women based stage of the complaints procedure.

This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Derry Well Women Data Protection Policy and Procedure, the Derry Well Women Confidentiality Policy the Derry Well Women Protection from Abuse Policy and Procedure (Vulnerable Adults) and the Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures

Contact Details

Susan Gibson
Derry Well Woman
17 Queen Street
BT48 7EQ
Tel: 028 71 360777