Derry Well Women is proud of the work we do because of the results we achieve for women in this region….so it is a huge bonus for us to have this work receive outside recognition.

Our work has attracted awards as follows:

GSK Community Health Impact Award

In 2000 & 2009, Derry Well Women won the GSK Community Health Impact Award, awarded by The King’s Fund, which recognises and rewards the work of small to medium sized charities working to improve the health of their communities. We won the sum of £25,000 as part of this award which our manager Susan Gibson, described as “an incredible amount to everyone here. It is a wonderful validation for DWW, providing much-needed unrestricted funds, which we will invest in our important childcare and mother and baby services, an area we find difficult to get funding for.” The King’s Fund Information and Library Service is a free unique source of information on health and social care policy and is staffed by a team of expert information specialists.


HSS Executive Citizens’ Charter Award

In 1997, Derry Well Women won the HSS Executive Citizens’ Charter Award for the Development of a Cancer Charter.


Change a Little, Change a Lot

In 2013, we won the “Change a Little, Change a Lot” Silver Award for Disability Awareness. This was part of an accessibility awards programme, promoting awareness of disability in the community in Derry~Londonderry as part of the Programme of events during the UK City of Culture 2013. The project was funded by the European Union’s INTERREG IVA Programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body, delivered by Co-operation and Working Together’s (CAWT) Community Awareness Programme and supported by the Public Health Agency, Western Health and Social Care Trust and Derry~Londonderry City of Culture. You can find out more about these awards here.


In 2019 Derry Well Women won The Charity Governance Award in London

PENNA award “Engaging and Championing the Public”.

Cancer Connected Communities West of which Derry Well Women is the lead partner were delighted to have won a PENNA Award 2024 (Patient Experience Network National Awards) for “Engaging and Championing the Public”.

We were also a Finalist ‘Cancer Experience of Care’ Award.

PENNA 2024 Conference – Birmingham UK Copyright – Richard Southall