Harmony Programme
Harmony Programme
Our society has been deeply traumatised by many years of violent conflict within our communities. Women have been the carers, the peace brokers, the family support and have themselves been victims.This “post conflict” period now brings its own challenges to address. These include developing our own power, increasing our low self esteem and raising our confidence. There have been social consequences which we need to address: drinking and drug abuse, domestic violence and street violence. It is in response to these needs, that Derry Well Women has developed our Harmony Programme: through funding received from the Community Relations Council, we are able to provide a hugely innovative range of services as part of this programme.
About the Programme
The Harmony Project provides a series of programmes or services designed to help women tackle “post conflict” issues and take the first vital steps towards reassessing and healing their lives and their communities. Through this process women can become more productive and involved in building healthy communities for us all to live in. Participants will have an opportunity to move from one programme to the next to gain knowledge and understanding. With sensitivity and care we invite women in our communities to join us in a safe place to set out on this much needed and courageous journey of healing. We owe it to ourselves and our children to move our lives into a place of peace and harmony.
Our team of counsellors offer a confidential one-to-one service to women in the north west.>>READ MORE
Listening Ear
Listening Ear is a service for women who would like to have someone to talk to in confidence about anything that may be concerning them. >> READ MORE
Is an amazing tool for stress management and overall wellness as it can be used at virtually any time and can quickly bring long lasting results. Mindfulness can be helpful in stopping ruminations over things that cause stress and helps to stop dwelling on negative thoughts.
This programme can bring benefits to your emotional and physical health. Mindfulness is the practice of becoming more fully aware of the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or projecting into the future.
Sing Tonicity
Is an innovative approach which deals with trauma and hurt. It is a non-threatening, powerful way of helping people connect with feelings, find expression and develop confidence.
Journey to Inner Peace
This programme will assist you in understanding the value of exploring ways of dealing with personal conflict so you can gain a dgeree of insight into the value of your self awareness leading to personal growth. You will explore the concept of real self and the dysfunctional self, improving positive expectation, self-responsibility, self esteem while learning the value of compassionate communication and the power of speaking the language of peace.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
This course is ideal for anyone who has difficulty with stress, anxiety or depression. Participants will be given an introduction to CBT techniques amd will be supported to challenge negative thinking resulting in improved self-esteem and mood.
Coping with Depression & Anxiety
Coping With Depression & Anxiety Via ZOOM
Derry Well Women will be running this 6 week programme online via ZOOM alongside Anne Browne (Facilitator) .
It is designed to support women who may be experiencing depression or underlying anxiety.
Its aim is to teach coping skills which women affected by depression/anxiety can use in their daily lives to help deal with the symptoms that affect them personally.
Emotional Detox
- Are old emotional blocks preventing you from living your best life?
- Do you let other people’s energy effect your mood?
- Discover how to separate your energy from other peoples.
- Is fear getting in your way and holding you back?
Learn simple, powerful techniques for letting go of negative emotions.
Find out how to rid yourself of fear and stay calm and confident
Self Esteem
For more information about this programme, please contact Derry Well Women on 02871360777 or email info@derrywellwoman.org
Contact Derry Well Women for more information regarding Harmony Programme