Derry Well Woman has done it again!!
Derry Well Woman has scooped a sensational £25,000 GlaxoSmithKline Community Health Impact Award, awarded by The King’s Fund.
Derry Well Woman won the IMPACT Award, which recognises and rewards the work of small to medium sized charities working to improve the health of their communities.
Derry Well Woman beat off stiff competition from 350 entrants and we were presented with the prize at a glitzy ceremony in London’s Science Museum on May 7 2010.
We were given the award when judges looked at how life expectancy in the North West is the lowest of all the health boards, with the highest cancer rates.
They looked at how Derry Well Woman has supported health projects and stimulates community health action to improve women’s access to health services.
Susan Gibson, Manager of Derry Well Woman said: “Winning this award means an incredible amount to everyone here. It is a wonderful validation for DWW, providing much-needed unrestricted funds, which we will invest in our important childcare and mother and baby services, an area we find difficult to get funding for.”
Derry Well Woman run a series of different programmes including clinics, screening, support groups, complementary therapies, counselling and a crèche.
Derry Well Woman also leads and facilitates the Cross Border Women’s Health Network covering the North West and surrounding counties in the Republic of Ireland.
Katie Pinnock, Director, UK Corporate Contributions, GlaxoSmithKline, said: “DWW should be applauded for the way that it targets need, and has fully involved and engaged its service users in the development of programmes and initiatives to address these needs. An excellent organisation extremely worthy of this award.”
The King’s Fund Information and Library Service is a free unique source of information on health and social care policy and is staffed by a team of expert information specialists.
Winner – Improving Impact – charities with 4-25 paid staff 
Derry Well Women won The Charity Governance Awards 2019 at a ceremony in London 22nd May 2019
Carrying society’s primary burden of care, women are the most severely impacted by strategic changes in health and social care provision that places greater on us on community- or home-based care. Often hidden, carers are impacted by stress, isolation and the sense of helplessness. Derry Well Women identified a burgeoning need, a gap in services and a lack of recognition or value for women carers in its
community. Trustees recognised that women carers required more support and encouraged the design of new programmes (as well as new community partnerships) to provide that support. Through extensive research and a co-design process with women carers in the community, Derry Well Women created “The Carer’s Agenda” to provide practical and social support to more than 250 women carers in the programme’s first year.
Derry Well Women has achieved significant impact in the face of uphill struggles. The board had a clear leadership role ushering in strategic changes for the charity. Trustees exhibited exceptional leadership throughout the design, implementation and ongoing monitoring processes board provided strategic oversight to ensure the project was aligned to the charity’s ethos, mission and vision; that it met all requirements for legal compliance and safeguarding; that the project applied principles of equality, diversity and good practice; and that appropriate measures were put in place for monitoring success and maintaining healthy stakeholder relationships.